Growth Checklists
User Generated Content Promotion Strategies

12 Best Strategies to Effectively Promote UGC Content to Generate ROI

💬 Here is a strategies checklist for user-generated content to help with distribution ideas to generate ROI from campaigns.
by Dan Siepen
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💬 There’s a very good chance you know how effective (and it's importance) of user generated content can be for brands incl. for reasons, such as, it’s a great content format that is authentic and highlights ‘social proof’ (through the likes of people sharing reviews, their opinions, etc). 

Now, user generated content is more than just content to develop for ad campaigns (although this is strongly encouraged for eCommerce brands as it certainly is an effective format), but can also be utilised for conversions and nurturing of audiences when repurposed and distributed across a range of initiatives. 

That’s where this checklist of UGC sharing/distribution ideas comes into play - it’s all about making the most of your initial investment from engaging with influencers/industry leaders (and anyone you’re engaging with influence) to get ‘more bang for your buck’ and most importantly, ROI.

Key UGC content-sharing strategies I’ve seen work well for brands (large and small)

💬 Here are numerous key areas for content-sharing (and repurposing) via key channels that I recommend testing/experimenting to help generate returns on influencer content investment.

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A really awesome initiative that I've seen from what I've seen more top brands are doing, is adding UGC content videos from the likes of TikTok and Instagram onto their site.

There are plenty of solutions out there that can help embed with a nice visual, good UX, and are optimised for mobile.

However, it become a really powerful strategy initiative for CRO using a platform like Tolstoy or Videowise, where visitors can view videos and within the same widget experience, click a CTA to add products to cart (or even head straight to checkout).

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A bit of a no brainer here, but it's certainly worth taking the time and effort to add user generated content on key product pages, and even other relevant parts of the site, like collection pages.

You can even add embeds to checkout pages - both pre-checkout and post-checkout (as long as UX looks good and not distracting).

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Whilst embeds and having across the site is one thing, why not consider adding images from content creators/influencers/customers onto main photo carousels.

When you mainly would have product-focused shots, adding in authentic lifestyle and "product usage" shots can break up the content - plus, another social proof touchpoint.

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Like with the other themes above (and even just this checklist as whole), you want to distribute this type of content everywhere for accelerating trust/credibility to nurture audiences to help with the conversion path (especially new audiences).I recommend using platform-specific features such as IG quizzes, polls, stories and other formats to encourage interactions.

Goal is to help motivate others to share similar content.

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If you're running and scaling ads, you already know that social proof/UGC plays a big role! Yet, you know it can be expensive when scaling with influencers/content creators, so you need to get smarter on how to repurpose in order to create many variants.

My rule is typically that 1 video can potentially equal 10+ videos - for instance, you can test various hooks, do mashups with other videos, and loads more.

Remember - never stop repurposing.

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Relating to the above, you want to include as much social proof/UGC across key conversion funnels, especially when your primary goal for ad funnel is conversions.

Great advertortial pages in particular require "results" sections, so you want to really bolster/highlight this type of content to back the advertorial focus.

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Focusing on social proof as a psychological factor here, but using user generated content formats from experience can really help with convincing customers to purchase higher-valued products.

I know this certainly plays a role in my own decision-making behaviour when I'm deciding to make a purchase that's quite expensive.

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Another quick tactic idea is adding UGC-style content, like lifestyle photos or product unboxing pics to exit-intent pop-ups.

Small test worth running, where you can combine this type of content with bundle upsells, special offers, and more.

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For me personally, this is low-hanging fruit that more brands really should be doing. Get your existing customers to "do the talking" - in other words, leverage their words, reviews, and proof of photos/videos and highlight it across various segments across your database.

For instance, you can use UGC content that's focused on USPs for those who have yet to make a purchase. Or perhaps use content for highlighting certain products to those who have recently purchased (like complementary product cross-selling techniques).

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If you're looking to do a pop-up or some sort of offline marketing initiative, then incorporating a diverse range of user-generated content across printed materials or digital displays can be really effective.

A cool tactic related to this is that you can even use this type of content for doing QR CTAs - for instance, someone can recommend/give feedback on your product at a physical store, and they can use a QR code to then record a video which is then uploaded to a landing page.

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Another channel to distribute/conjure up user generated content is through your existing communities - particularly with sharing "wins" or cool customer stories that can help lead group members to make a purchase.

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I like this idea a lot - optimising the physical package experience to encourage actions.

For me here, a great idea would be to have a CTA card saying two things - first, saying a big thanks to the customer for making a purchase. And then second, a CTA to buy a complementary product with a special offer (like a discount), and using UGC photos with reviews of customers who are loving the complementary product.

You can easily scale this process by making cards/pamphlets for each product, and add in the right card/pamphlet for whatever item they purchase.

👋 G'day everyone, Dan Siepen here from down under 🇦🇺🦘🐨. I'm an experienced growth marketer w/ 8+ years exp. across SaaS, B2B, DTC & eComm. Get to know more about me (check my homepage too) & if you want to connect, just reach out. 👇
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💬 Quick note - I've put a lot of time into these marketing checklists, which I hope you'll enjoy. Of course, people will value these various checklists I've created differently based on experience, but I'm sure regardless of experience that there's a good nugget/insight somewhere that you'll pick up. Plus, I'm open to feedback, so if there's something missing or you have any questions, reach out to me. 🙂
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